Avalon High by Meg Cabot
I recognized him at once--not just because he was so tall, and there aren't a lot of guys who are taller than me, but also because he had such a distinctive face. Not handsome, really. But attractive. And nice. And strong-looking.
The weirdest part was, he seemed to recognize me, too, even though he could only have seen me for, like, five seconds that day in the park.
"Hey," he said, smiling not just with his lips, but with his blue eyes, too.
Just Hey. That's all. Hey.
But it was a Hey that made my heart flop over inside me chest.
Who is Will Wagner, and how is it that Ellie, the new girl at Avalon High, feels as if she's known him all her life, when she's only just met him?
A long-ago legend comes to new life in this tale of a love triangle, a medieval sword, and a totally awesome pool raft.
Avalon High was a really fascinating book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had excitement, romance, humor, and action. This novel starts out pretty slow, but near the end it really begins to pick up the pace. This book is wonderful and I'd recommend it to anyone. (:
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